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Medical Checkup Policies
medical checkup policies
Medical Checkup at even caters for your personal needs. Through the touch of a button, you can enjoy convenient, quality health care services for you and your family.

Medical Checkup Packages can only be purchased through the use of a Personal Account.

More than one Medical Checkup Package can be purchased with one Order. Medical Checkup Orders must be placed separately from other Orders.

An online reference number will be provisioned upon the confirmation of each Order. You are required to quote the reference number to be allegeable for the medical examination at the time of visit.

Upon purchase, each Order will be processed within 2 working days and you will be contacted by a Medical Staff to arrange for an appointment at a chosen clinic.

Prior to the appointment, the person who purchased the Medical Checkup Package can transfer its use to another individual designated only by the payer. Should this situation arise, the payer is responsible for informing the Medical Staff during the time at which the appointment is made. If there exist any confusions or discrepancies over the user of the Medical Checkup Package, the Medical Staff will duly contact the payer to verify details.

Qualified professional from the medical affiliate of shall be responsible for all conducts of the medical examinations purchased by you.

All Medical Checkup Packages purchased are non-refundable.

Payment of Medical Checkup Packages can only be made online by Credit Card. 

All information with relevance to your medical conditions will remain confidential between you and our medical affiliate and in no way will have access to or be able to retrieve such information. All check-up tests or services are not performed or provided for the purposes of medical diagnosis and/or treatment. serves as an online platform for Medical Checkup Programs to be ordered for your convenience and will not be held liable for any damages, discrepancies or misconduct that may occur with regards to the medical services provisioned between you and the medical affiliate.

Satisfaction guarantee
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Please note that all prices and monetary amounts quoted on this site are in Hong Kong Dollars (HKD).

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